Beijing Agent Devote Power Technology Co., LTD

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No 9, Linhe Street, Shunyi District, Beijing, China

Fiber temperatur...Current location Smart Grid Fiber temperatur...


Project Name: Fiber temperature measurement system for Shougang Mining

Project cycle: September 2014 - November 2014.

Project Background: As for HV switch cabinet contact and electric cable under long-term operation, with the increase of the load, the connection point would generate heat, easily cause hidden safety trouble that could eventually lead to fire accident. In order to ensure operation safety, the Shougang Mining chooses to use the fiber temperature measurement system with good insulation characteristics and high anti-interference ability.

Project scope:Build one AWDS760 fiber HV switch cabinet temperature measurement system, and one AWDS750 power cable temperature measurement system.

Project results:

      1) installation of 23 HV switch cabinets, with 138 temperature probes in total


      2) complete the light path connection between HV switch cabinet and temperature measuring instrument

      3) laying temperature sensing cable for temperature monitoring of 900 meters power cable

      4) complete the optical path connection between the temperature sensing cable and temperature measuring instrument

      5) construction of AWDS760 fiber HV switch cabinet temperature measurement system based on ADPS-6000 intelligent control platform

      6) construction of AWDS750 fiber power cable temperature measurement system based on S-6000 intelligent control platform

software system structure: